SkateNSW Speed - 2025 Grand Prix series - Round 1

Event information

Late registration for this event closes at Sun 09 Feb 2025 09:00.

Round 1 of the 2025 SkateNSW Speed GP series is scheduled to occur on Sunday 9 February at Deverall Park Netball courts.
Warm-up is at 8:30am with racing starting at 9:00am.


All participants (Skaters, Coaches, Team Managers, Officials and Volunteers) must register online for this event.

Skaters, Coaches, Team Managers and officials wishing to participate will need to ensure that they are current members, and are familar with the SkateNSW Speed GP Guidelines, and well as all Rules, Regulations, Policies and Bylaws (including Sport Integrity) that relate to this event.

All attendees, including Volunteers and Spectators are subject to the Policies and Bylaws (including Sport Integrity) that relate to this event.

*** Please ensure that you have read and understand the NSW Speed Branch GP racing information document ***

Please ensure you select your event type (Skater and Officials events are only visible to members that log in).


Register for the event here (online) by Midday Saturday 8th February 2025.



Online membership is available here.



All skaters will need to ensure that they are cat 1 or cat 2 members in order to compete.

All nominations will need to be paid prior to the start of the event, either by EFT or through the Online payment portal (late nominations will need to provide Evidence of payment (receipt)). No Cash payments will be accepted.

Skaters that cannot be verified with the correct membership, registered for the event and paid for the event, will not be allowed to race.

All skaters need to compete in their club or approved uniforms.

All skaters will need to have their (allocated) race numbers, attached correctly to their (nominated) race uniform, which must be worn during all races they participate in during this event. Skaters are requied to marshal in with the Event Officials during the Warm Up period, with their Skates, Race uniform and Race Numbers with them. Skaters that arrive after the Warm Up period must wait for the Event Officials to be available to marshal in late.

Any skater without the correct Skates, Race Uniform and/or Race Numbers will not be permitted to race (subject to the discretion of the Event Referee where circumstances are unvoidable). The decision of the Event Referee will be final.

All skaters are responsible for organising their own Skates, Race Uniform and Race Numbers. As advertised, SkateNSW Speed arranged for some numbers to be made last year and available for purchase via the SkateNSW shop. To access the shop you will need to be logged in.



All coaches will need to ensure that they are COACH members, Accredited (or a registered Coach in Training) and have completed all applicable SIA courses / WWCC requirements, in order to enter the Marshalling area.


Team Managers

All Team Managers will need to ensure that they are minimum CAT 5 members and Accredited (completed all applicable SIA courses / WWCC requirements) in order to enter the Marshalling area.



All Officials will need to ensure that they are minimum CAT 5 members, Accredited (or a registered Official in Training) and have completed all applicable SIA courses / WWCC requirements, in order to enter the Marshalling area.

Approved Officials - please complete your online membership application, and apply the discount code provided to you.



You may join as an Associate Member, or simply register your details at each event (this is to ensure you are covered by the Skate Australia Insurance policy).


Additional Event Information
The Event program, when available, will be uploaded to the Event page (see files to download).

The 2025 SkateNSW Speed Calendar is Now Available (v1) and will be on the Speed event calendar and notices page.

For Speed Event Rules - Full details can be found on the document 2025 SkateNSW Speed Branch GP Series (v2)

Further information can be found on the SkateNSW Speed Branch Procedures, Rules and Guidelines


Sanction by SkateNSW

SkateNSW Sanction number:

NSW-SP-20250209-GPSR1 SkateNSW Speed Grand Prix Round 1

Files for download
Program for NSW GP at Deveral Park 09.02.2025


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